Cement is amongst one of the most common materials manufactured through large scale industrial processes, It is also one of the most expensive in terms of energy used. The manufacture of cement requires grinding on a large scale which in turn uses large amounts of electricity. The particle size pf cement is key to its strength and therefore its performance, overgrinding not only wastes electricity but also affects the final product by introducing greater product variability and variations in final strength.
A key manufacturing parameter is 28 day strength eg the strength of the cement after 28 days. Too many fine particles, typically less than 2 microns and the cement sets too hot and will crack. However if too many coarse particles are present the opposite is seen and the cement is adversely affected. It is usual to monitor the amount of particles between 2 -32 microns in order to produce an optimum cement.
The LS-609 is ideally suited to the measurement of cement with its wide size range and capable wet sample dispersion system. Easy to use software allows custom reports to show quickly how much material is within the 2-32 micro range.